Newsletter: June 30, 2023

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  • Newsletter: June 30, 2023

“Business opportunities are like buses, there’s always another one coming.” – Sir Richard Branson.

Q2 2023

Ya-Hub Translations: market research for global laboratories, manufacturing, farming, business-to-business services, the energy sector, design, the dairy industry, etc., for clients based in the USA, France, Switzerland, the UK, Poland, New Zealand, and Taiwan.

Our teams have been involved in various translation projects, across several industries. This is testament to our commitment to deliver, as subject-matter experts, top-quality translated content to our global clients.

How about our sister entities?

Ya-Hub platform: version 2.4 of our productivity platform for the content marketing industry was released in May.

– Suppliers are now able to convert their estimates into purchase orders. The size of the “Assign to Clients” button in Invoices has been reduced to match standard laptop screen sizes. There is now a drop-down menu for executive actions on invoices, estimates, and purchase orders.

– Users can now view the amount for each Invoice, estimate, or purchase order in the main table. Users can create personalized filters: sale amount per month and per year; purchase order amount per month and per year.

– All data can be exported in .CSV format (from the main table view) across the workflow modules.

Sign up and try Ya-Hub here.

Ya-Hub Digital & Ya-Hub Consulting: there is now cross-selling involved as we realized the need of our translation clients for copywriting services too. It’s a pragmatic approach that shows our clients that we are willing to cover all their needs in/around multilingual projects. The consultancy brought new clients, including in the Content as a Service space, helping their businesses grow, and there will be more clients to support very soon.

 The Ya-Hub Team.