What’s an Event Translator?

An Event Translator or a rapid translator as it is often referred to specializes in instant translations during events. The translators specialize in translating between two or more languages making them ideal for events where the attendance includes people from different backgrounds. However, there are various types of event translators. The most common of which are simultaneous conference interpreters, and consecutive & whispering interpreters.

Simultaneous Conference Interpreters

If an event or a conference requires a translator for several people who are a part of the conference, then a consecutive translator is best suited for the job. The translator should be fluent in both the source and the required translated language with years of experience. So, each time the speaker finishes his sentence the conference interpreter will report it in the translated language.

A consecutive translator is a specialized event translator who specializes in conferences, speeches, and meetings. When most members of an audience speak or understand one language like French, the translator will translate to English for the few who don’t know French.

Larger events will require the services of several different interpreters who are able to perform simultaneously. However, in some cases, you may need more than one translator if you have people speaking different languages. Take for instance if the base language of a conference is in English, but two representatives speak French and four speak Italian, in this case, two translators will be needed.

Another thing to keep in mind when hiring a conference translator is that they use specialist equipment and have unique working spaces. However, they are trained and experienced to deliver the best possible results for larger events where many different languages are spoken at a time. At the end of the day, this means that the translation is tailored to each delegate.

Consecutive & Whispering Interpreters

Whispering and consecutive interpreters or translators work best for small personal events. The whispering translator will work by whispering the translation to the delegate when at a meeting. This works best for quiet and small events where one or two people may need an interpreter to hear what’s being said. Also, the interpreter can follow the delegate around and translate what’s being said by others.

A whispering translation is mainly used in places where delegates or representatives don’t share the same language. In some cases, there may be one translator for each representative who is seated at the meeting. Whispering is the mode of communication since its quiet and saves time. The interpreter can also use a headphone to ensure the best possible sound for the person receiving the interpretation.

What to look for when hiring an event translator?

You should always choose an event translator with experience and fluency. The more experienced and fluent the translator is the better will be the translation for the delegates. Good translators also have low error rates which is why they charge more. That said most professional event translators have years of field experience and in some cases, it might be possible to find one who has experience working in your industry.

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