How do Translation Companies Work?

Traditionally, translation companies processed all of their translations in-house, whereas translation agencies outsourced their translation work to freelancers.  These days, this distinction between the two sources for professional translation services is fading.  The general distinction still applies, but there is overlap in how these services are processed.

The primary reason for outsourcing to freelancers is the cost savings realized from the lack of overhead expenses associated with having a full-time translator on staff, but it’s more difficult to ascertain the quality of a freelancer, until you have used his or her services.  In-house translators have already been screened, so a translation services company relieves their clients of that worry.

Reasons to Select a Translation Company

Making the decision to hire a translation services company will most likely cost more than employing freelancers, but it will cost less than hiring your own in-house talent.  Businesses that choose to go with a translation services company are not only outsourcing the work; they are also outsourcing the management of the work.  This is a huge advantage for businesses that require expert localization and translations into many languages, as the process of engaging a translation services company begins with the assignment of a project manager.  The project manager assumes the responsibility for carrying out multi-language translations, assigning the work to the right translators in each language, and the overall quality control of the project.

Translation Tools

Some translation services companies may use translation tools, but many do not.  The thinking behind not using those tools is that the work of a professional translator is to rewrite their client’s text in a different language, rather than simply spitting out a word-for-word translation, as translation software may do.  The former delivers a well thought out representation of the draft in another language and the latter may yield an inaccurate or clumsy translation.

Which Words Matter?

While there is some variation in rates and processes, translation companies base their quotes on the word count of the original document.  Word counts vary, depending on the software or word processor that is being used, but word counts remain the most straightforward way to estimate translation costs.

All words are included in the count – even the little ones like a, an, and the.  This may seem odd, at first, but if you think about it, attempting to base a quote only on non-simple words would be a fruitless exercise.

The Translation Process

The translation process undertaken by translation services companies and agencies includes the core requirements of translating, editing, and proofreading.  These basic steps are carried out by different people, who edit, amend, question, and make suggestions to the work that they receive.

Reputable translation services companies guarantee the accuracy of their work, and never charge extra to correct any errors that may occur.  Stylistic differences of opinion notwithstanding, a translation services company follows standardized processes that ensure the quality and consistency of their work.

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