Gaming Translation

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Gaming Translation

Translation plays a significant role in the toy industry. As a result, Ya-Hub Translations provides high-quality toy translations in more than 130 languages.

We can translate table games, toy instructions, technical manuals, sporty games, battery toys, websites, packaging, and brochures.

We are experts in translating toy and game texts, instructions, and manuals to prevent any harm to children, teenagers, or others who play with those toys and games.

Toy instruction and safety information

Creating translations of toy and game instructions makes them more accessible to international customers. Ensure that your products are safe to use by having your instructions professionally translated.

Native speakers always translate instructions so that they are easily understood.

Translate your toys and games for two reasons: to meet safety regulations and to succeed in the new international market.

Localizing your content

The best and only way to truly localize your toy or game content is to hire professional translators who are native speakers of the target language and understand all of its cultural references.

Translating word for word or sentence by sentence is ineffective because languages are complex and easily misrepresented. Instead, by hiring specialist native speakers, you will get an authentic translation that will engage your audience and give them a positive impression of your company.

Reasons to choose Ya-Hub Translations

Ya-Hub Translations’ team has extensive experience translating for the toy and game industries. We have important customers who fully trust us to translate their toys and games into various European languages.

Choose expert translators at Ya-Hub for accurate and precise translations in the Toys and Games industry. Click the link below to explore a case study on our gaming translation expertise:

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