What’s a Travel Planner? Explanations & Tips

Many people may confuse the term “Travel Planner” with “Travel Agency” or “Tour Operator.” A travel planner is very different from a tour operator and a travel agency. While both are travel services, they don’t provide a complete end-to-end solution. Most travel agencies, for instance, will not give you a list of tips or show you how to get a discount on train tickets. They leave you to figure it out for yourself. The same goes for a tour operator whose sole goal is to take you on a highly confined tour and then bring you back. 

A travel planner does much more than get you seats on an airline or rooms in a cheap hotel. However, whether you are about to travel abroad on business, vacation, or both, we discuss why you’ll want to get a travel planner onboard. 

Get Pointers from Local Travel Experts 

A local travel expert will be your travel planner for the city you are visiting. For instance, if you’re visiting Dublin, Ireland, you will be hooked up with a local travel expert. That expert will be responsible for telling you everything you need to know as well as showing you everything that’s relevant to your trip. That way, not only are you going to see all the sights, and hear all the sounds but also benefit from things like short cuts, savings on tickets, getting discounts at stores, etc. It is like being a local! 

The Best Places to Stay 

One of the biggest unknowns of traveling to a new city is knowing where you’re going to stay. That’s especially a problem if you’re going to stay with the family for an extended period. Hotels are obviously going to be expensive. So, the question is which areas are good and affordable? Well here too our travel planner and local expert can help you. 

The local expert will give you a list of all the best areas, as well as ones that are family-friendly and affordable. They will also tell you what the average rental prices are in these areas. So, you can then make a good and informed decision. 

Travel Planners for Just About Every City in the World 

We have travel planners across nearly every city in the world. So, regardless of where you are traveling to, we can bet that they can help you find discounts, avail club discounts on accumulated points, and find the best places to live. Most of all, these people are expert communicators and respond to your queries quickly. So, you don’t have to wait around for an answer. 

Save Time and Money 

As you can probably imagine, a travel planner can help make your trip to a new city or destination a lot less stressful by eliminating the element of the unforeseen. Not only will you save time by knowing exactly what you need to but consequently saving money on things like hotels, shopping, and transportation. Having a travel planner will make your trip highly productive, whether it is for business or pleasure. 

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