Category: Best practices

What’s Transcreation?

Transcreation is a rather odd sounding term but which is primarily used in the advertising and marketing industry. It refers to the necessary process of adapting a piece of text, message, advertising copy from one language to the next dialect or variation of it. The objective is to maintain its style, intent, and context but […]
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What Is Glocalization?

Glocalization is a word which combines the world “globalization” and “localization.” The term is often used to describe a service, product or business model which is developed for distribution globally but can also be customized for users of a specific market. The process may involve tailoring the product or service to conform to local consumer […]
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How do we Translate a Book?

Translating a book is often a long and complicated process depending on the subject matter. Literary works are harder to translate as they are more artistic as opposed to books that are more general, informational or overall less artistic in nature. However, generally speaking, the workflow involved with translating a book requires reading the book […]
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What’s a CAT Software?

CAT Software or CAT Tool as it is often referred to is used by human translators to speed up the translation process. CAT is an abbreviation for Computer Assisted or Aided Translation. However, Computer Aided Translations shouldn’t be confused with machine translations, the latter of which does not have any human intervention and hence is […]
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Why is Content Marketing so Important?

Content marketing is a term broadly used to describe a new wave of marketing trends which focuses mainly on creating and distributing valuable content. It has become one of the most effective marketing tools in an age where traditional marketing techniques have been rendered obsolete. People no longer favor watching a minute-long advertisement which is […]
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