Category: Technology

Will Machine Ever Equal Human Translation?

Despite the fact that machine translation has evolved over the last 70 years, it will still struggle with sarcasm, humor, cultural references, slang, and other human elements of language. Machines will be unable to translate accurately unless they can develop a sense of humor and use it to quickly build a database of equivalent humorous […]
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Computer-Assisted Translation – What’s New?

Computer-Assisted Translation or CAT as we like to call it has been around for a while and like everything in computing has been improving. However, the devastating effects of COVID-19 on the majority of businesses have ramped up the need for reliable machine translation. It has also meant that businesses that would otherwise rely on […]
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AI and Language Services: Today and Beyond

Today advances in technology have made lives easier across the board for many people in the translation industry. It (advances in language Artificial Intelligence / AI) has also made the lives for people who want to do business across international borders a lot easier. That said it hadn’t brought any major upheaval to the industry. […]
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