Globalization in 2020: What’s Changed?

Civilizational progress in the modern world is often represented by the urbanization of societies and Globalization of individual nations. Globalization brings what was once individualized bordered, nationalized regions together into an intertwined network, often with a synergistic relationship.

However, 2020 changed the general assumed meaning of Globalization. The COVID-19 pandemic spread like wildfire in some of the most globalized, urbanized and modern societies. While those in the third world were equally affected by the pandemic, the measures are taken to curb movement, and personal liberties were seen as being less of a hurdle as compared to more developed nations. Furthermore, the figures show that more modern societies were arguably the most affected with higher death figures in countries like Italy, Spain, and parts of the US.

If anything, Globalization is one reason why COVID-19 was able to spread faster than it would have, and become more lethal than it would otherwise have been.

The Present State of Globalization

It would be a mistake to say that COVID-19 killed Globalization but instead it has changed it. Consider the fact that even in the most advanced societies, knowledge centers, service-based enterprises and learning continued to be done in person. Often people working in teams in tight spaces made millions and billions for some of the largest businesses in the world. All of this despite many of these people, at least half of them having the ability to work remotely, at safe distances, and often with family around.

Come COVID-19, and the globalized economy has taken a turn. It has exposed the inherent risk of working in tight spaces, often under the same roof and sharing knowledge the old-fashioned way. In the age of the internet, most people can rely on video conferencing, and remote workers to get the job done. As technology improves, the reliance on being in person is lowered, and that’s real Globalization.

2020 Made You a Global Citizen

Globalization, in its true sense, gives you global citizenship. You work from anywhere and in anywhere you choose. Up until COVID-19 struck, the only way to network with a colleague halfway across the world, pitch a new product to a company or maybe get a job, was to hop on a flight. Several hours later, you’d meet with people, and well, then things might work out for you.

COVID-19 meant and continues to mean that flights don’t operate anymore for the most part. That’s left people to rely on technology something they already had but never trusted enough to use. Now that using it has become more mainstem, it is opening people up to remote opportunities across the world from the comfort of their bedrooms. However, with it comes many challenges, and it is equally essential to be prepared for the challenges ahead.

Your Approach Should Continue to Be Local

We aren’t referring to social distancing, wearing a face mask or hanging out at a six feet distance. A local approach means being able to work halfway across the world and yet have an understanding of the local culture, language and work ethic. Having that knowledge and linguistic prowess is now more critical than ever before.

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